Want to survive from evil aliens? try these 3 opts! | Xcoser International Costume Ltd.

According to some experts, there is new evidence as to the presence of advanced alien life. Apparently, aliens have been trying to make contact with us. Astronomers in Canada revealed that they detected some strange signals coming from a galaxy about 1.5 billion light-years away. The exact nature of these radio waves is not known, although among the 13 FRBs (Fast Radio Blasts) a particular signal was unusual and repetitive.

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Theories have varied as to the source of these signals from a neutron star spinning at an exponential speed to two neutron stars colliding and releasing destructive forces and even an alien spaceship.

So, yeah, aliens might actually be real. While we might hope for aliens to bring good things to earth like eradicating sickness, abolishing poverty and other lofty ideals, the encounter might be less pleasant than we might imagine. The late Stephen Hawking said, "If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which did not turn out very well for the North Americans."

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So, since it is likely that aliens are likely to be hostile to human life, how can you survive an alien invasion? Well, if you can’t beat them, you can pretend to be someone or something you can.

The first badass that can take down any alien would be Venom. This symbiote bonds to a host and has super strength, agility and a nasty streak that will definitely come in handy in a confrontation with aliens.

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Venom might be cool and all that stuff, but nothing will strike more fear into the hearts of alien invaders than the bane of all aliens across the universe: The Predator! This super-powered being kills aliens for fun and even as a rite of passage into adulthood, or what passes for adulthood for a predator.

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The last and definitely not least badass is Master Yoda. This legendary Jedi Master is one of the most powerful Jedis due to his stronger than usual connection to the force. Aliens will run at his approach and scurry back to their motherships at the very sign of his presence.

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Although you might not have the powers of the above, looking like them might save you from aliens and their probes. We sell replica masks of these characters that might save your life. So what are you waiting for? Send in your order today!


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