Who are Mandalorians?
Mandalorians were a distinct human, clan-based people who originated on the planet Mandalore and its moon, Concordia. They had a particularly unique role in galactic history as legendary warriors against the Jedi. From their homeworld, Mandalorians had flourished across Mandalorian Space and the galaxy at large, colonizing worlds such as Kalevala, Krownest, and Concord Dawn.
Since Star Wars takes place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, they don’t use the same words for things that we do.
You’re probably familiar with concepts like the Jedi and the Force, but the Disney+ series The Mandalorian adds even more Star Wars vocabulary to the already impressive list. But if you're feeling lost when star Pedro Pascal drops some spacey terms, take solace in the fact that lots of the new material are still a mystery — even to Star Wars superfans.
A nickname for Mandalorians that kinda feels like it may be offensive. This name goes viral on the Internet. Pascal's Mandalorian seems to take the name in stride, but this is a race of people we’re talking about, after all.
Bounty Hunter
Bounty hunters are cool no matter what fandom they belong to. However, among all these tough-as-nails guns and swords for hire, one stands out as the most stylish of them all, Boba Fett. Sadly, he got eaten by a Sarlacc and was defeated by a blind man... by accident. Thankfully, Disney was kind enough to do justice to their other Star Wars bounty hunters in the form of The Mandalorian.
Bounty Puck
A bounty puck, known more simply as a puck, was a small holographic device that contained information—a holographic image accompanied by a name—on a bounty. The Bounty Hunters' Guild handed pucks out to their bounty hunters. By taking the puck, the hunter accepted the job.
Tracking Fob
A portable device that gives the Mandalorian the location of his asset, by beeping faster and faster, the closer he gets. The Bounty Hunters' Guild handed out tracking fobs to its hunters. A bounty hunter returned his fobs after capturing all of his quarries. For every assignment, bounty hunters get a puck and a fob.
Calamari Flan
This is a simple term: it's money. Calamari Flan was a form of currency that had disc-shaped white and blue coinage We learn in The Mandalorian that there area few kinds of currency at this point in Star Wars history. There are Imperial Credits, leftover from the days of the Galactic Empire’s oppressive rule. There’s also Calamari Flan, which likely comes from the Mon Calamari alien race.
A rare form of metal, like vibranium in the Marvel universe, specifically used to make traditional Mandalorian armor.The Mandalorian is paid in Beskar.
Bounty Hunters' Guild
The Bounty Hunters' Guild, also known as the Bondsman's Guild, the Bounty Guild, or simply the Guild, was an institution that regulated the bounty-hunting trade.
The Mandalorian symbol, which we see over the armorer's cave, is the head of the Mythosaur. As we learn in episode 1, Mandalorians used to ride the creatures, which are essentially like dragons from the Outer Rim, or the far reaches of the Galaxy.
The armorer asks if the Mandalorian’s signet has been revealed and he says no. “Soon,” she replies. His signet seems to be akin to a less magical version of a wizard's patronus in the Harry Potter-verse — a symbol that has to do with his destiny or true self.
The creature that looks like a rhinoceros plus a tadpole that the Mandalorian learns how to ride in other to reach his mysterious asset. They're vicious, until they're not.
Razor Crest
The Razor Crest was a gunship used by the Mandalorian. It was once a military craft used to patrol local territories prior to the Galactic Empire. The Mandalorian utilized the vessel as his transport and living quarters while hunting fugitives in the Outer Rim Territories.
Razor Crest
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